The North Quarter District is a unique and identifiable community with mix of medium to high intensity office and employment units with residential space to create a self-sustaining neighborhood.
Central elements to the North Quarter District’s success are an emphasis on open space and cultural linkages accentuated through tree-lined streets.
Because the North Quarter District serves as the gateway to the Downtown Core from the north, cultural elements that depict the area’s uniqueness and celebrate the prominence of water are abundant.
Orlando converted its downtown streets into one-way arteries back in the 1970s to facilitate fast entrances and exits from the Central Business District at the beginning and end of the workday.
As the Downtown core becomes more mixed-use and residential, the needs have changed.
Two-way streets are proven to increase access to local businesses, simplify wayfinding, and reduce speeding.
The proposal for this corridor includes more pedestrian crossings, enhanced landscaping, protected two-way bike paths on both Magnolia and Orange Avenue, and designated bus lanes for Rapid Transit.
The City is still finalizing the funding for this project and an overall timeline to carry it out.